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Home > Frequently Asked Questions

Q.How long does a home energy assessment take?

A. The typical home energy assessment takes between 2-3 hours however depending on the types of issues we find and the questions you have we could take up to four hours.

Q. What is the benefit to having an energy assessment completed?

A. The benefits of a home energy assessment for your home are numerous and here are a few of them:

Q. What services do you provide?

A. We have the latest in building science tools to help pinpoint specific home and commercial energy performance issues – including infra-red technology. Our experience and training allow us to put together a plan that will help improve the comfort and safety of your home or building, plus reduce energy dependence.

Q. Can I do the work myself?

A.  If you are handy around the house, detail oriented, and follow our recommendations, you can potentially save on your energy costs by doing some of the work yourself. It is our experience that some corrections to the typical home will require the use of professional contractors.

Q. What if the Home Energy Aseessment uncovers problems?

A.  Our report will tell you the condition of the house, including needed repairs and expenses. No house is going to be perfect. It is up to you to decide how any problems the assessment uncovers might affect your decision to improve your home. Or perhaps you are trying to decide what improvements to make and which ones will be most cost effective. In the end, the decision rests with you, but knowing about potential problems, gives you the power to make the best decisions.

Q. Will you fix the problems you find during the Home Energy Assessment?

A. No. We only perform energy assessments. This assures that there will never be any conflict of interest by the auditor. Our purpose is to provide an unbiased, objective third party report on the condition of the home. We can provide references to contractors should the need arise.

Q.What if I’m more interested in alternative energy?

A.  Home Energy Assessment report will discuss many “alternative”, “renewable” or “green energy” options. Clean energy is imperative for the future of our nation and our planet. But when it comes to your home, the first priority should be the conservation and efficiency improvements you can make without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Why? Let’s say you and your home are currently wasting 30% of the energy you use every day. If you pay for installing a renewable energy system or buy renewable energy through the grid at a premium price, 30% of that wonderful (and expensive) energy is simply going to waste. In fact, you’ll be wasting money twice, because you will also be paying for a system that is larger than it needs to be. A comprehensive home energy assessment is a small but essential first step in making a plan for a greener home.

Q. Should I get new windows first?

A. Only a comprehensive energy assessment can determine if replacing windows will significantly impact your energy usage, or whether it should be your first priority. We have often found that the expense of just replacing windows does not provide the increase in comfort or energy savings that homeowners expect. There are typically other less expensive or higher impact ways to accomplish this goal. A Home Energy Assessment will help you determine where on your action list replacing windows should fall.

Q. I want to save money on electrical costs, but I don't like the light the CFL bulbs give off?

A. To achieve better results with the ENERGY STAR rated CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs compare and match the amount of Lumens of the bulb you normally buy to the energy efficient bulb you're going to buy to ensure you're getting a bulb that's giving off the same amount of light. Different brands may have different colors of light available which will also have an effect on your regard for the new light bulbs, however without specific labeling we're not aware of an easy way to tell the difference between them from the package other than screwing one in and turning it on. New L.E.D. bulbs are hitting the market and are efficient, but costly.



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